Why is it Better to Get Braces at a Younger Age?

Most of us have heard that getting braces at a younger age is more ideal. This is because in the early stages of a child's development, the body is significantly more malleable due to the fact that the child is still growing and developing. This also applies to a child’s teeth and bones. Once a child reaches adulthood, this means that their bones become more set in place. The earlier a child gets braces, the quicker and more effective their results are. Keep in mind that there is no age limit for orthodontic treatment; however, if you wish to have your child experience the benefits of a straight and healthy smile, then getting braces early on is certainly the way to go.

Benefits of Braces For Kids

The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that age seven is the ideal age to see an orthodontist. While some children at this age may still have their baby teeth, they will eventually fall out. This age is ideal as orthodontists can take a preventative approach in addressing issues, such as overcrowding and more. Here are some benefits that your child will experience from braces:

  • A straight and healthy smile
  • Improved self-esteem and confidence
  • Ability to properly brush and floss teeth, which is important to avoiding gum disease and tooth decay
  • Improved ability to chew food
  • Improved speech
  • Helps avoid teeth from chipping

If you are interested in scheduling a consultation for braces for your child, our team is here to help. We offer orthodontic treatments for children, teens, and adults.

Interested in Braces For Your Child? 

Are you interested in scheduling a consultation for your child’s orthodontic treatment? If so, our team is here to help every step of the way. Early orthodontic intervention is best. Contact Rawle Orthodontics to schedule a consultation!

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Smile Bright: Taking Care of Your Braces During the Holidays

The holiday season is a time of joy, laughter, and indulgence in festive treats. While you're busy celebrating and creating memories with family and friends, it's essential to remember that your braces require a little extra care to ensure they stay in top shape. In this blog post, we'll provide you with some helpful tips on how to take care of your braces during the holidays, allowing you to enjoy the festivities without compromising your orthodontic treatment.
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