Millions of people around the world are suffering from some kind of oral health issue or another. Whether it’s crooked teeth, irregular bites, or misaligned jaws, these patients require the help of a specialist who is trained in these types of issues. An orthodontist is a dental specialist who is trained in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of dental and facial irregularities. 

Orthodontists are dental school graduates who have completed college, dental school, and orthodontic school. Following orthodontic school, they are also required to complete two to three years of a residency program. Orthodontists are able to effectively treat a wide range of conditions, such as teeth that are too crowded or far apart, teeth that are misaligned or stick out, misaligned jaws, and much more for both adults and children.

If you or your child suffer from oral health issues, then it is important to seek treatment from an orthodontist. At Rawle Orthodontics, our skilled orthodontist will be able to create a customized plan for your treatment, specific to your needs. To learn more about how we can help you achieve a beautiful, healthy smile, contact our team today to schedule a consultation!

What is the Difference Between an Orthodontist and a Dentist?

While orthodontists and dentists both help you improve your smile, they do so in different ways. Dentists specialize in many different oral health issues, such as the teeth, gum, nerves, and jaw, while orthodontists specialize in straightening teeth, aligning jaws, and occlusion. Another important thing to note is that all orthodontists are dentists; however, not all dentists are licensed orthodontists. This is because orthodontists must go to college and dental school, and on top of that, they must go through two to three years of an orthodontic residency program.

Dentists encourage good oral hygiene and provide services related to:

  • Tooth decay
  • Root canals
  • Gum disease
  • Crowns
  • Bridges
  • Veneers
  • Teeth whitening

Orthodontists, on the other hand, specialize in the alignment in the teeth, which is important for oral health, and provide services related to:

If you are seeking a highly experienced orthodontist who can provide you with the care you need, contact us today!

When Should I See an Orthodontist?

It is recommended to see an orthodontist as early as age 7. However, if you are experiencing any issues that may need early interceptive treatment, braces, or aligners, then it is recommended to see an orthodontist to help improve your smile, as well as your oral health. At Rawle Orthodontics, our team is here to help. Contact us to get the help you need from a skilled orthodontist. 

Different Types of Orthodontic Treatment

There are many different types of treatments that our orthodontists offers (for children, teens, and adults), including but not limited to:

Contact Us Today to Speak to an Orthodontist

To schedule a consultation with our skilled orthodontist, feel free to contact us today! We are ready to help improve the appearance of your smile, as well as your overall dental health.

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